How To Do Subscript In Google Docs

How To Do Subscript In Google Docs will be described in this article. Subscripts and superscripts could occasionally be required when preparing official or scholarly documents. Two forms of scripts that seem slightly smaller than the conventional text style are subscripts and superscripts.
How To Do Subscript In Google Docs
In this article, you can know about How To Do Subscript In Google Docs here are the details below;
A text that is styled and placed a little bit above regular text is known as a superscript. A subscript, on the other hand, is a text that appears slightly beneath the main text. While both scripts are identical, they are positioned differently with respect to the standard text.
When does one need to use Superscript and Subscript?
Superscripts and subscripts may be required on numerous occasions. Superscripts are typically used to indicate scientific or mathematical equations, add footnotes, references, page notes, and trademark or copyright marks. Subscripts are not used all that frequently. These are utilized, nevertheless, in some scientific representations, such chemical compounds or equations.
Typing on a computer, laptop, or other digital device can be stressful when it comes to adding superscripts and subscripts. This can be done in a few different methods, which are covered below. You can choose whichever approach is most practical and appropriate for you.
Steps to insert subscript or Superscript in Google Docs using format Menu
- Type the text you wish to convert to superscript or subscript in Google Docs.
- Choose the text that you wish to convert to a particular format.
- Select the format option.
- You’ll see a drop-down menu. After selecting “Text,” click “superscript” or “subscript” again, depending on what is needed.
The relevant text is displayed in either superscript or subscript format. How to Use a Shortcut Key to Insert Superscript or Subscript in Google Docs
Using a keyboard shortcut can help you complete this task quickly if that’s what you’re searching for. You must be able to learn these shortcuts in order to accomplish this, though.
Inserting Superscript: To insert superscript in a Windows system, press the Ctrl + period key combination. To accomplish this on a Mac, hit the command key along with the period key (Command +.)
Inserting Subscript: You must select the text and use the Ctrl and Comma keys (Ctrl +) in order to put a subscript into the text. On a Mac, you may accomplish the same thing by using the Command and comma keys (command +,).
Steps to insert Subscript or superscript in Google Docs using the insert Menu
Using the Insert menu options, you may quickly add special characters or predetermined texts in superscript or subscript. This is a simple and convenient way to add symbols like copyright, trademark, etc. The actions to take are as follows:
Step 1: Place the cursor where you expect to add the unique text to your Google document.
Step 2: After selecting the Insert menu item, a drop-down list will appear.
Step 3: Select “Special characters” from the menu.
How to Add a Superscript or Subscript in Google Docs
Step 4: Fill in the search field with Superscript or Subscript.
Step 5 of Google Docs. Locate & click the symbol you wish to add to your Google document.
Once you’ve completed this, your document will display the necessary symbol. Also check How To Fix Error Code M7361-1253 On Netflix
You can format your text in superscript or subscript using these three choices. You can format text in Google Docs using these two choices in a manner similar to how it is done in books. Whichever of these approaches works best for you and is most convenient can be used.