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How To Fix USB Tethering Not Working Issue

How To Fix USB Tethering Not Working Issue will be described in this article. This post provides an explanation for “why my USB tethering isn’t working and how to fix it.” When there are no other options for internet connection, one can connect to the internet using USB tethering. The inability to use USB tethering becomes very annoying in such a situation.

How To Fix USB Tethering Not Working Issue

In this article, you can know about Fix USB Tethering Not Working Issue here are the details below;

If USB tethering is not functioning on your Windows 11/10/7 computer, keep reading. The best fixes for this issue are discussed in this article. But first, let’s address a commonly asked question: “Why is my USB tethering not working?” before looking at possible fixes. Understanding the response to the preceding question makes resolving the USB tethering is not functioning reddit issue on a PC rather easy. So let’s carry on in the same manner.

Why USB tethering is not working On PC

The reasons why your Windows 7/10/11 USB tethering may not be functioning could be any of the following.

We recently covered the most common causes of the PC’s USB tethering not working issue. Let’s now look at possible solutions for this problem. Also check How To Fix Ea com unable To connect 

Fix: USB Tethering Not Working Issue

The solutions to the USB tethering not functioning on Windows 11/10/7 PC issue are all listed here.

Fix 1: Turn other Wireless Technologies off

Sustaining a live WiFi connection could interfere with the devices’ USB tethering setup. Consequently, in order to guarantee a flawless device connection, you must disable it. follow finish the mission, adhere follow these guidelines.

Fix 2: Activate the Tethering Option

If your smartphone does not have this capability enabled, USB tethering will not function. Therefore, the simple instructions for turning on tethering on your phone are provided below.

Fix 3: Restart your Phone And PC

If something goes wrong with your phone or PC, USB tethering might not function on your computer. Thus, the USB Tethering on Windows 10 issue might be resolved by restarting these devices. follow finish the assignment, adhere follow these guidelines.

Steps to Restart the Phone

Steps to Restart The Computer

Fix 4: Perform Windows Troubleshooting

Windows has a troubleshooting facility to address common issues, such as USB tethering not working on a Windows 11/10/7 computer. I’ve included usage instructions below. Also check How To Fix Not Enough Memory 

Fix 5: Update the Out-of-date Drivers (Recommended)

In fact, outdated drivers can be the cause of your Windows 11/10/7 computer’s USB tethering issue. As a result, updating the outdated drivers is necessary to resolve the problem.

Additionally, you can use a program like a Bit Driver Updater to automatically correct the drivers with a few clicks. To obtain and install updates, Bit Driver Updater software only needs to follow a few simple steps.

This program also facilitates driver download acceleration, scheduling driver scans for outdated drivers, and backing up and restoring drivers.

You can download and test this software using the URL provided below.

After downloading and installing the software via the aforementioned URL, you are shown a list of out-of-date drivers in a matter of seconds. You can Update All to the most recent version available as soon as the list of outdated drivers becomes available.

An Update Now tool is also included with Bit Driver Updater to facilitate the downloading and installation of updates for a single driver. However, in order to guarantee your computer runs as efficiently as possible, we advise upgrading any outdated driver.

Fix 6: Try Using A new USB Cable and Port

Windows 10 USB tethering not working. You can connect your laptop and phone with a different USB cord.

Furthermore, another cause USB tethering is not functioning on a PC is a damaged USB port. As such, you could try using a different port to see if it fixes the problem.

Once you’ve figured out how to fix the USB tethering not functioning Windows 11/10/7 issue, you may ask any questions in the section below.


The bulk of your questions about how to resolve the USB tethering not working on the PC are answered here.

Why Am I Unable to Use My Phone As A PC Tether?

You may find it difficult to tie your phone to your computer for a combination of reasons. The aforementioned article has a list of them. Outdated drivers are the most common cause of these issues, though.

How Can My Tethering Driver Be Updated?

The steps to upgrade your tethering driver are listed below.

How Can I Make USB Tethering Function?

On Windows 11/10/7 PCs, you can fix the USB tethering problem by following the above procedures. Here, we present six different approaches to solving the issue.

Fix for USB Tethering Not Working

You were introduced to the best fixes for USB tethering issues on Windows 11/10/7 PCs in this article. To remedy the condition, you can use them one after the other.

To fast and easily fix the problem, you can update the drivers automatically if testing every option seems too laborious. You can also leave any queries, issues, or suggestions in the comments area.

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