
How To Add Keywords To Google My Business In 2024

How To Add Keywords To Google My Business will be described in this article. A Google My Business listing, now known as a Business Profile, is an essential digital marketing tactic for businesses that depend on local clients. However, this tutorial is for you if you’re new to search engine optimisation (SEO) or if you’re not seeing the kind of traffic you’d like for local keywords. The best advice for adding keywords to your Google My Business Profile may be found below. Additionally, you’ll discover how to adjust keywords that aren’t driving the most relevant website traffic and where to put keywords in Google Business Profile pages to achieve the greatest results.

How To Add Keywords To Google My Business In 2024

In this article, you can know about How To Add Keywords To Google My Business here are the details below;

By starting to rank higher for organic searches and on Google Maps, these methods can also help you cut back on your advertising spend for Google Ads.

1. Add Keywords to your Google My Business Description

Adding keywords to Google My Business starts with adding them to your business description.

The simplest method for raising the relevance of your business profile—a key ranking component in Google’s algorithm for Google My Business (GMB) listings—is to do this. (This guide discusses this issue in more detail later.)

2. Put Keywords In your Google Business Profile Posts

Adding keywords to the business posts on your business profile is the next stage in setting keywords in Google My Business.

As Google explains:

“You can use your Business Profile on Google Search and Maps to connect with both current and potential customers through posts.” Additionally, “Posts can promote Business Profiles with text, photos, or videos.”

You can make three different kinds of posts:

  • Offers
  • Recent Developments

Make sure to incorporate your keywords into the content of every new post you write. In this manner, you may maintain your business profile optimised for the keywords and phrases that are most important for drawing in the proper clients.

Additionally, you may use this free method to increase organic traffic to your website without having to pay for Google Ads.

The fact that you may alter the keywords on Google Business posts as you see appropriate to enhance your search engine rankings is another benefit of these articles. (This tutorial will provide additional details on that tactic later on.)

Remember that you can only post content that gives your consumers a favourable experience in accordance with Google’s content policy.

As a result, you shouldn’t update your Google My Business page with irrelevant or off-topic information only to add keywords.

Posts with a business profile need to be pertinent to your enterprise and aid clients in comprehending the nature of your line of work.

Please take note that unless a date range is chosen during the posting process, posts that are older than six months will be archived. Thus, be sure to regularly update and publish new content.

3. Get Customers to put Keywords in Your Reviews

One effective, but incredibly underutilised, technique for adding keywords to Google My Business is to request that your clients mention them in their Google evaluations (testimonials).

Additionally, it’s a terrific technique to naturally boost the keyword density. Just be careful not to overdo it and use the same phrases in each review response. If you don’t, the Google My Business Web Spam team may investigate your Business Profile further due to overoptimization of the review section.

One of the best ways to improve your Google My Business profile’s ranking in local searches is to get favourable reviews. This kind of increased involvement counts towards the algorithm’s ranking.

4. Add Keywords In your Business Q&A Section

Using keywords in your business Q&A section is another way to include them in your Business Profile profile. You can use keywords in your responses when a consumer asks a question on your page. But, as this comprehensive Google My Business optimisation checklist points out, just be careful not to overdo it and use the same keywords in every query or response. If not, it can cause a spam filter to activate.

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5. Don’t Add Keywords to your Google Business Name

The last thing you should do to optimise your Google My Business listing for keywords is to NEVER include keywords in the business title, or business name, on Google My Business.

Experts in local search marketing advise against filling your company name with keywords as this can result in your listing being suspended or penalised.

The practice of adding descriptions to your business name on Google My Business that are not part of your company’s legal name is known as “keyword stuffing.”

Internet marketers find keyword stuffing in the Business Profile Name appealing because, according to the digital marketing experts at SterlingSky, it can boost keyword rankings for a certain search phrase such as “keyword” + [city] + [state].

SterlingSky did, however, also provide some illustrations of what can occur to a company’s search engine results in the event that it is reported for violating the rules by using more than one keyword in its name.

One Business Profile listing’s ranking fell from #1 to #7 when Google removed the keywords from the listing’s name. For certain local keywords, another business dropped from positions #1 to #2 and to #14 to #15.

However, you won’t always be that fortunate to only receive a fine. Your listing can be completely suspended in certain situations.

As stated explicitly in Google’s My Business guidelines:

“It is not permitted to include unnecessary information in your business name; doing so may result in the suspension of your listing.”

As a result, your Google Business Name needs to continue matching the actual branding. Only use keywords in the business title if they truly are a part of the company’s name.

When a company name contains keywords that aren’t true to the legal entity name, don’t take the chance.

Don’t Add Keywords to Your Google Business Name

How to Change Keywords on Google Business

Track, measure, and keep an eye on your Google My Business page’s keyword performance, just like you would with any other SEO tactic. You might discover over time that the keywords you’re using on your Google Business page aren’t drawing in enough qualified leads, the correct kind of organic traffic, or enough traffic to your website.

If so, you might be curious in how to modify your Google Business keywords.

The solution is easy to understand.

To incorporate the new keywords, simply change the following sections of your business profile:

  • Business description (insert new keywords in place of existing ones)
  • Posts on one’s profile (consider removing older entries and using the new keywords in future ones)
  • responses from the Q&A section (modify your responses to incorporate new keywords and use them in new answers)

Regarding the client reviews, you will need to inform your clients of the new keywords they have to include in their endorsements of your company on Google.

You can avoid paying a hefty monthly price to a conventional digital marketing business by using these fundamental strategies, as detailed on this other page about Google My Business pricing.

Finding the right Keywords for your Google my Business Profile Listing

The following advice can be helpful if you’re having trouble deciding which keywords to include on your business profile.

Using the following kind of keyword strings in your listing is the simplest way to improve your SEO and appear in more organic searches as well as on Google Maps:

  • [Keyword] plus [City]
  • [State] + [City] + [Keyword]

Additionally, you can optimise in this way for the kind of service or business you run:

  • [Service type] + [City]
  • [Service type] plus [City] plus [State]
  • [Business type] + [City]
  • [Business type] + [City] + [State]

To avoid repeatedly employing the same words, it’s advisable to switch up your keyword strategy by utilising a variety of keyword strings and categories related to your industry. With the use of this SEO technique, you may optimise for a greater variety of keywords and draw in more clients.

As stated below, you can also attempt to incorporate “near me” keyword phrases into your Profile entries. In the SEO community, there is disagreement over whether or not this strategy is still effective.

This is due to the fact that Google can typically determine your location by examining the local geographic coordinates provided by the GPS on your phone or the IP address of your computer. (See below for more on distance as a top ranking factor.)

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In those circumstances, the algorithm can decide which business search results are most appropriate for where you are right now.

You can test these keyword search queries out and experiment on your own:

  • [kind of service] in my area
  • [kind of company] in my area

Important Factors Outside of Keywords for your Google my Business Profile

According to Google’s instructions for enhancing local search rankings:

Relevance, distance, & prominence are the main factors that determine local outcomes. These elements work together to provide the most relevant result for your search. Our algorithms may determine, for instance, that a company located further away from your location is more likely to have what you’re looking for than a company located closer, and as a result, rank the farther away firm higher in local results.

As you can see, one of the best ways to tell Google’s algorithm that your company would be a better fit for a customer is to optimise your Google My Business listing for local organic keywords.

It is only a small portion of the local SEO ranking algorithm, though.

In addition to adding keywords to your Business Profile, there are other things that you should take into account in order to appear in the SERPs for more relevant queries.


Relevance is the degree to which a local business profile responds to user searches conducted online. Because of this, it’s critical that you include comprehensive and accurate business information in your listing so that Google can better comprehend your company and match your profile to pertinent queries.

You will have a listing that is highly optimised for relevance if you heed the guidance and take the actions outlined in this article.


The distance between the business and the searcher’s location is called the “distance.” The more conveniently located your company is for the searcher, the more probable it is that you will appear in their keyword search results.

As previously indicated in this book, a well optimised Business Profile can assist your listing appear in search even when it is farther away.

In the event that a user leaves their location blank in their search query, Google’s algorithm will attempt to estimate the distance using the following factors based on what it does know about the searcher’s location:

  • Your Internet connection’s IP address
  • Your previous actions
  • The locations you labelled
  • Your gadgets
  • GPS position information
  • Google Places History
  • Activity on the Web and Apps


A company’s prominence—its level of recognition—can affect its keyword ranks in Google Search.

If your company is new, you probably don’t have much recognition because neither the general public nor your target market are familiar with your brand. However, if your company is well-established—for example, a museum, chain store, or hotel—you probably have a high profile, which will help you in local search results. Also check corporate management

Additionally, Google’s prominence is determined by data it has gathered about your company from various online sources, like:

  • Links that lead to your website
  • articles mentioning your company name
  • directories containing the name, address, and location of your company (NAP)

It’s also critical to understand that your local rankings can be raised by having more reviews and favourable ratings on your Google My Business page.

As a result, it’s beneficial to have lots of positive client evaluations in addition to including keywords in the most visible sections of your business profile. Following the completion of their services, some of the most prosperous companies routinely request a Google evaluation from their clients.


Summary for How to Add Keywords to Google my Business Profile

This post on adding keywords to your Google My Business profile should have been enjoyable for you.

As you found out, optimising your profile’s description, articles, customer reviews, and Q&A section is the ideal way to set keywords in Google My Business rankings. To enhance your results, you may also modify your keywords on Google Business at any moment. According to this advice, your present keyword optimisation techniques might not be bringing you the top ranking positions, the most traffic to your website, or the most qualified visitors. Consequently, enhancing your business’s exposure in Google Maps and the search engine by modifying, adding, and honing your keywords is a smart move.

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